Ahern’s Banquet Center Avon Ohio for Ashley & Owen

Ahern’s Banquet Center Avon Ohio for Ashley & Owen

Another fun wedding at Ahern’s with Lucy and staff.They never let you down.  for Ashley & Owen   We love  feedback … thank you !    CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE THEM Please pass this link on to family & friend to view and enjoy  These photos are low Res for a reason Ashley & Owen will high higher res photos   Thanks for sharing your great  day with  us Peter,Izzey ,Sam  and  the CPG…

Ahern banquet Center Avon lake Ohio wedding for Brittany & Chris

Ahern banquet Center Avon lake Ohio wedding for Brittany & Chris

Fun wedding with a new born child at the great Ahern banquet Center in Avonnlake Ohio   for Brittany & Chris   We love  feedback … thank you !    CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE THEM Please pass this link on to family & friend to enjoy   These photos are low Res for a reason   Brittany & Chris will get  all HIGH res photos  very soon Thanks for sharing the day us Peter,Lexi CPG…

Ahern banquet Center Avon lake Ohio wedding for Courtney & Ryan

Ahern banquet Center Avon lake Ohio wedding for Courtney & Ryan

  Fun wedding at the great Ahern banquet Center for Courtney & Ryan   Please  leave feedback – we love to hear from you … thank you !   PLEASE CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE THEM Please pass this link on to family & friend to enjoy   These photos are low Res for a reason   Courtney & Ryan will get  all HIGH res photos soon Be well Peter,Lexi CPG team Cleveland Photo Group

Erin and Ryan’s wedding video  at  Blue Heron Brewery & Event Center

Erin and Ryan’s wedding video at Blue Heron Brewery & Event Center

Erin and Ryan’s wedding at the great Blue Heron Brewery & Event Center We love your leave feedback … thank you ! Please pass this link on to family & friend to enjoy  https://clevelandphotogroup.com/blog/   Best  Regards Peter,Lexi  and Patrick at CPG team Cleveland Photo Group  

Stillwater place Cleveland zoo Ohio wedding for Marianna & Robert

Stillwater place Cleveland zoo Ohio wedding for Marianna & Robert

Marianna & Robert’s wedding at the fun Stillwater place Cleveland Zoo CLICK ON THE  PHOTOS TO ENLARGE THEM We always  love getting your feed back, so please don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts  Also please pass this link on to family & friend to enjoy  https://clevelandphotogroup.com/blog/ These photographs are low Res for a reason so please don’t try to print them out Marianna & Robert will get  all HIGH res photos  very soon…

Westwood country club rocky river Ohio for Jennifer & Kevin

Westwood country club rocky river Ohio for Jennifer & Kevin

Jennifer & Kevin’s wedding at the amazing  Westwood country club CLICK ON PHOTOS TO ENLARGE THEM We always  love getting your feed back Please pass this link on to family & friend to enjoy  https://clevelandphotogroup.com/blog/ The photographs are low Res for a reason so please don’t try to print them out Jennifer & Kevin will get  all HIGH res photos Best  Regards Lexi & Peter and  CPG team Cleveland Photo Group